Baptism is a true sacrament instituted by Christ. It is administered by washing with natural water and at the same time invoking the Most Holy Trinity. Anybody, even an unbeliever or a heretic can validly administer baptism. Since it confers grace by the signs’ being properly carried out children can and should be baptized even while still infants. Baptism is necessary for salvation. Baptism effects the remission of original sin and actual sins and of all punishment due to sin; it confers sanctifying grace, membership in Christ and in the Church and the obligation to obey the Church’s laws, and give an indelible character.
At St. Euphrasia Syro-Malabar Parish, Sacraments of Initiation are held on request. Upon Booking you will be asked to fill an Application Form and present the Birth Certificate of the child. Parents must call the parish office to register.
Please Contact Parish Office or Parish vicar for more details